There is no greater impact you can make on physical performance than there is with hydration. Poor hydration can lead to disaster on the race course or in training as I’m sure many of you have found out the hard way. Let’s face it there are four basic nutrients that your body needs, carbohydrates, protein, fats and water. You can survive for many days without carbohydrates, proteins and fats but you will not last more than a day or two without water it is 100% necessary for life as we know it.
Let’s take a look at what proper hydration does for your body from an athletic point of view. One of the most important roles hydration plays is in body temperature regulation. Water acts to cool the body down by absorbing heat and acting like an evaporative cooler via sweat on the skin. Another important role hydration plays is in maintaining proper blood volume. Since water makes up a large portion of blood if you are dehydrated your blood will become thicker like syrup making it harder for your heart to pump blood to the rest of your body. You become less efficient. Studies show that a 2% loss in body weight during prolonged endurance activities is enough to impact performance capacity. So if you weigh 150lbs that is only 3lbs lost!
Stay hydrated:
1. Drink early Drink often
2. Pay attention to the color of urine
a. Darker the color the more dehydrated
3. Activities lasting more then 90 min use a sports drink that contains electrolytes
4. Pay attention to weight loss in training
a. If you loose more than 2% body weight drink more water
5. Carry a reusable bottle of water with you
6. Practice hydration in training this will transfer to race day
Benefits of proper hydration:
1. Improved athletic performance
2. Cooler body temperature
3. Faster recovery from training
4. Improved circulation
Hydration plays in important role in athletics as well as in everyday life. Pay attention to how often you are drinking water and you may be surprised. So go ahead and have a glass.. (of water)
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